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I got my first camera at the age of 16 in January 2020, after saving up for months working a paper round for the local advertiser. The excitement of having a new piece of technology led me to shoot anything and everything as I was stunned by the capabilities of a DSLR - despite being a cheap beginner setup, it was much more impressive than the mobile phone I had at the time.

Since then, I have not lost this child-like enthusiasm, and take every opportunity to explore new creative ventures.

photographer young man with camera smiling
me shooting deer.jpg

Qualifications - 5 years of experience, education and exploration


GCSE Photography - where I discovered my love for the craft, obtaining basic camera skills and learning essential creative practices, using in-camera techniques as well as creative software programs to reach my goals


A Level Media Studies - over the 2 years I studied Media at College, I learned about the cultural and historical contexts of modern day media, as well as entering a new world of videography as part of my coursework - which can be viewed in the portfolio section - fuelling a new passion for moving image projects.


AS Level Photography - with the exceptional facilities at Cirencester College, I gained experience in a professional studio setting, and experimented with film photography using their specialist darkroom facilities. During this course I gained significant knowledge in various realms including Adobe software, Photo manipulation, and Career prospects in the creative industry.

Many thanks to Angus Brown and Adele Smedley for all your help.


After college, I took a year off before going to university. In this time, I travelled to some incredible places including New York, Mexico, Arizona, and the French Alps, where I thoroughly enjoyed photographing the incredible landscapes, cultures and wildlife the world has to offer. I also worked a few jobs which I used to fund a new camera setup, which I spent most of the summer using for wildlife photography. 

Present day

I am currently studying for a degree in filmmaking at the University of West England, based in the thriving creative city of Bristol.


© 2023 by Isaac Thring

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